Basic Calculator


A calculator is a simple machine with help of a calculator we can make some mathematical calculations. Same a simple calculator I made with the javascript calculator. You can solve some basic mathematical calculations with it. Its structure is very simple you just type your values and just get what you want to be.


A concept behind this is learned simple conditions. Suppose we have a problem and have to solve this in many prospective than the term conditions cames. They allow us to solve a problem in a very minor way. And Functions are also cool. Functions and conditions are the core concept of any programming language.

How to Play

Same like any calculator it is simple to use. You have to enter your value one and two. Then click the button what you want to do with these value. In this calculator, you can change your value and make a new calculation on the same display. Please don't refresh your web browser in this case you can lose your data.

Calc Now :)